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The Jujol Chair-Rosa Gres 2023 Drawing Contest Is Now Underway

The Jujol Chair-Rosa Gres 2023 Drawing Contest Is Now Underway

Premio Cátedra Jujol 2023

Architecture is like a breath of fresh air. It attracts us, inspires us, and motivates us. Every year, we have the opportunity to share a special moment with future architects. Thanks to the UPC Jujol Chair, we are part of the Jujol Chair – Rosa Gres drawing contest, which is aimed at both national and international university architecture students.

The Jujol Chair was created at UPC to promote the work and thought of architect Josep Maria Jujol. And although he is perhaps best known for his close collaboration with the renowned Antoni Gaudí, his legacy has loyal followers all over the world. For example, there is a chair dedicated to him at the University of Japan. We admire Jujol’s creativity and freedom, and the genius of combining various disciplines such as painting and decorative arts with architecture.

In this 2023 edition, the Prize focuses once again on exploring one of Jujol’s most iconic buildings, the “Torre de la Creu”, located in Sant Joan Despí. The “Torre de la Creu” wonderfully reflects the tenets of modernism. It is a very beautiful building. If you get the chance, we highly recommend visiting it. It has been restored several times and its state of preservation makes it easy to enjoy.

In the coming days, the Jujol Chair will publish all the candidate works for the Prize on its website. The finalist works will then be announced. The award-giving ceremony will take place in October. At Rosa Gres, in addition to sponsoring the Prize, we have had the privilege of creating a custom trophy for it using our ceramics. This makes sense as ceramics are one of the materials that architect Jujol frequently used when designing his decorative elements.

We would like to congratulate all participants and look forward to soon enjoying the creative proposals of this new edition.

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